About Bulletproof Spirit

Founder, Author, and PresenterPolice Captain Dan Willis (ret) served with the La Mesa Police Department near San Diego for 30 years as a SWAT Commander, crimes of violence / sexual assault/child molest and homicide detective, Wellness Unit coordinator, and Peer Support Team Leader. He graduated from the FBI National Academy, where he studied trauma recovery, resilience, and wellness as the foundation for officer safety – professional, effective service – and a meaningful, fulfilling career. In addition to his training, he is an instructor with the National Command and Staff College.

His wellness guidebook, Bulletproof Spirit, is required reading at the FBI National Academy and has won two national awards: Bulletproof Spirit, Revised Edition: The First Responder’s Essential Resource for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart.

“Bulletproof Spirit details proactive – practical wellness strategies that are not only effective but essential to protect and ensure the wellness of those who serve. It is a must-read for all first responders and their families.”

Chief Shelley Zimmerman, San Diego Police Department (ret)

Consistently being immersed in our daily work traumas of violence, danger, tragedies, and heartache can not only injure our brain (Post-traumatic Stress) but can kill us (suicide – our #1 cause of death) – as well as cause depression, burnout, anxiety and stress disorders, sleep disorders, ineffective and unprofessional service, and numerous physical, psychological, and emotional issues and dysfunction within our agencies.

Bulletproof Spirit training and wellness guidebook provide essential strategies and effective tools to strengthen resiliency, enhance personal and organizational wellness, improve survivability, mitigate the effects of traumas, heal from traumatic injuries, and to remain motivated to serve with compassion to make a meaningful difference. Its purpose is to enable you to reach retirement and not curse your career, but to love it and to be proud of all the good you were able to do in being useful to others. 

Purchase or Download From:  Amazon.com (Also Available in E-Book and Audio)

Bulletproof Spirit Presentations

Over 12,000 first responders trained (ongoing) with over 500 presentations in 41 states and five countries (federal-state-local police, corrections, probation-parole, U.S. Marshals Service, FBI, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, fire and paramedics, military)

  • Standard Trauma Recovery, Resilience, and Wellness Class for any peace officer – 4 hours.
  • Course Specifically tailored for management and executives – 7 hours.
  • See the “About the Course” tab for further details.

“In my 25-year career as a peace officer, supervisor, and captain – this is the best, most
useful training I have ever received.” –
Louisiana Police Captain.

Also By Captain Dan Willis – Police Resilience: Bulletproof Spirit Wellness Strategies for Training Academies and New Peace Officers – get your copy from Amazon 

If you’re a peace officer (whether in policing, corrections, probation, border patrol, or another public safety field), this book could save your life. Inspired by the author’s award-winning wellness text Bulletproof Spirit (required reading at the FBI National Academy), Police Resilience is a comprehensive and practical guide to protecting yourself and healing from trauma. Written for training academies, students, and new peace officers, it provides evidence-based, field-tested resilience and wellness strategies and firsthand accounts from experienced officers.


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